Sunday, 20 September 2015

You Don't Need To Believe In God Before You Go Heaven-Pope Francis

You Don't Need To Believe In God Before You Go Heaven-Pope Francis

By a worldwide overall bishop of Catholic Church, Pope Francis, You Don't Need To Believe In God Before You Go Heaven.

According to the overall bishop in charge of Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, he states that you don't need to believe in God before you can reach to Heaven. Pastors is it true or not?


Well only God himself knows this because it is said, judge not so as you may be judged but let God almighty be the judge of all things accordingly be it Good or bad.

The Roman Catholic Senior Pastor, Pope Francis, has written an open letter to the founder of the La Repubblica newspaper in Italy, Eugenio Scalfari, confirming that those that are non-christians would be forgiven by the almighty God if only they would pay attention to their consciences. In a response to the questions that were published in the newspaper by Scalfari, who isn't a Catholic member, Pope Francis wrote this;
You asked whether God of Christians do forgive those who do not believe and who do not seek his presence. I start by saying and this is the basic things that God's mercy is a mercy of no limit if you walk to him in a heart of sincerity.People even live when they disobey their consciences and have no faith.

In an address welcoming to the response to the letter, Mr. Eugenio Scalfari said it that Pope's comments were further evidence of his ability and his desire to overcome barriers in a dialogue with everything.

In the 7th month,July, Pope Francis signalled a further progressive conduct on the issue of sexuality seeking that, If one is a gay and is looking for God, who is me and who am I to judge that person?

This is all from this blog and hope to bring you more for latest updates in life.

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